Only Murders in the Building S2 E6 | Performance Review | Review | Axat

This review of Performance Review, Episode 6 of Season 2 of Only Murders in the Building, is off to a flying start. I kid you not, amigo! :)

For earlier episodes, please click the respective links: E1&2, E3, E4, E5

Or should I say, a rolling start? LOL. Welcome to the cast, Jane Lynch!

She is the body double for Brazzos Senior, the really-able-bodied (and sound in mind) Steve Martin, who is both mentally and physically handicapped in the new revival show of his erstwhile hit TV show.

That reminds me, I vlogged about Why I Love TV today. Watch it below:

A veteran actress plays Steve Martin's hairdresser but she's not Jackie Hoffman, who is the friend of the murder victim, Bunny Folger. RIP(?).

Our - let's face it, lovable - trio's elaborate paint-bombing plan backfires because they bicker and fret about their ongoing activities too much to notice the Detective Williams virtual doppelganger slip past their plan.

Selena Gomez's new infatuation/cuddler Cara Delevingne has recreated the murder scene of Bunny Folger, which drives Gomez to the subway.

While Tina Fey's assistant (Verson) dishes the dirt about her (Fey) to her (Gomez), she sees someone who has apparently been paint-bombed.

She STABS the person! Of course it's not what it looks like in the video.

But I like the awkward ending with the awkward hug between the two old friends IRL and new ones in the podcast show within the show. Ciao!

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler