Only Murders in the Building S2 E5 | The Tell | Disney Plus | Review | Axat

Here's looking at previous episodes: E1+ E2 ; E3 ; E4 - of this fun show! :)

Jan, the murderer of the revious hilarious season, is back in the story.

I love a star-studded cast, mainly because I want to evolve into a star too.

So along with welcoming back Amy Ryan, we get to see Cara Delevingne.

Will she be the red herring, like Nathan Lane & his deaf son were in S1?

Martin Short makes an off-color joke about Orson Welles' colon; a spiral appears - yesterday I was reading about the Oscars and apparently, his heirs auctioned off his statuette (one of them? He won one for Citizen Kane and was given an honorary one. I wonder which one they sold off?).

A complete non-sequitir about the Iran-Contra hearings later, our trio of podcasting sleuths head down to the pickle diner, based on another clue.

A party game of Guess the Killer that was brought up in the intro by the Son of Short comes around again, at the party hosted by Selena Gomez.

And it brings the episode to a nice circular close, with Nathan Lane's "Dimas" character revealed to be the Father of Short's Son. GREEEK!!!

Also, as a parting shot, we see a shot of what's inside Cara's bag - it's the Son of Sam card that she had dextrously managed to switch! Intriguing.

All in all, an(other) entertaining instalment of Only Murders. Next: E6.

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler