Orville S3 E7 | From Unknown Graves | Review | Axat

Before you click on this link, beware - SPOILERS ALERT for Season 3 of The Orville, subtitled, like its inspo source [Star Trek], "New Horizons."

The Kaylons are robots with a capacity to murder, even do genocide.

So why does an alien family seem over-the-moon happy to get a Kaylon?

The next scene, an awkward post-coital separation, reminds me of a brief yet jestful article by Larry Niven - MAN OF STEEL, WOMAN OF KLEENEX. You can read it here on the SUNY SB website, in plain text.

Are you back? Hope you had awesomax fun reading that! On to the next scene, then. The medical chief of the spaceship resumes relations with Isaac the Stiff Android, about whom you can read more in my previous Orville episode reviews : Mortality Paradox, Shadow Realms, Electric Sheep

This episode is more than an hour long, so fasten your seat belts for a long, and hopefully extremely exciting science fiction ride! Ad astra!

I explored the start of a relationship between an android and a human in my science fiction book, An Android Awoke (on Moon!). It is here.

The crew, meanwhile, are hosting a female-led civilization's delegation.

The Kaylon android serves a "perfect" dinner to his alien-owner family.

They have a conversation which borders on the robot showing free will.

In parallel, a crack squad led by Seth MacFarlane finds another Kaylon which has been "repaired" by another alien scientist and feels emotions.

These ludicrous plots and sub-plots border on the asinine, but it's sci-fi!

I love it, specially now that the CGI budget has been tonked into orbit lol.

Long (and meandering) story short, Isaac the Unfeeling Android gets to know what it's like to feel, then it goes away because he's an upgraded Kaylon-droid, so he will need a frontal lobotomy to make it permanent.

The medical officer reminds me of my alma mater's resident MO ; you can get a glimpse of the Lawrence School Sanawar in my recent vlog).

So all is well with everyone except the poor weakling human who gets crushed by his crush during coitus, and has to make repeat visits to the infirmary so that he gets healed immediately, only to be broken again.

That last phrase, broken again, reminds me of a band called Seether, with two quite simplistic yet visually engaging music videos; watch :

With these college-time callbacks, I will draw a curtain over the latest episode of The Orville, with the matriarchs open to an alliance. All the episodes have a Star Trek undercurrent, and Seth MacFarlance (with Jon Favreau "consulting") cannot break away from that strong pattern.

I don't mind it, but sometimes it weighs too heavy on the comedy. Ciao!

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler