Orville Shadow Realms Review by Axat

The Star Trek influence - if one may call it that, instead of outright copy - is clearer than clean air. The alien names and soaring score make it so.

Like I mentioned in my review of Electric Sheep , the first episode of The Orville S3 (unimaginatively sub-named New Horizons - come on, Seth MacFarlane, I had higher hopes than that from your writing team) is heavy on the android emotions, hence the name from Philip K. Dick.

That novel was the basis of Blade Runner & its well-made sequel, 2049.

There is also a Star Wars shout out in there "May the Force be with you."

I do like the idea of astrobiology seeking answers to "What is life?"

The plot seems cobbled together from Alien & other horror sci-fi shows.

The CGI is alright without being mind-blowing, and the sets of the ship become a little too familiar if you have seen S1 & S2, which were better.

I am terribly disappointed because I had high hopes from a new season of this show, but it is just ripping off Ripley's / Ridley's Aliens in this ep.

Nevertheless, I will wait for more episodes to render my final judgment.

Hasta la vista, baby; adios, amigos; see you on the other side, Houston.

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler