Orville Electric Sheep Review by Axat

The first episode of the third season of The Orville, helmed (yup, he's the captain of a Faster Than Light (FTL) space ship; the titular one) by Seth MacFarlane, gets off to an explosive start that shows off the much bigger budget they are playing around with this time around. Capisce?

I do not know what human corportment means. Here, it means 'hatred.'

Now I must say that I am writing a sci fi novel to publish here on stck.me and I am sympathetic to how they depict artificial intelligence (a robot).

Another lovely alien is a slime, named Yaphit, who can fit into any nook.

These two combine - literally; Yaphit squelches into Issac (the android; maybe a shout out to Isaac Asimov, the greatest science fiction writer?).

I must mention Douglas Adams for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, too.

This is the book whose back cover is this article's thumbnail. On your right (Captain America) is The LotR.

In comparing the human brain to a Rube Goldberg contraption, they do make a good point. We ARE slaves to our brains' gymnastics, aren't we?

To bring the robot back from his suicide, they conveniently find a nice backup consciousness buried deep within his brain. In another spiral, the person (among many) who wanted him dead is needed to operate.

Even though the plot used to be quite thin in earlier seasons, this heavy-handed episode about a relevant topic was a little light on "real" sci-fi.

I liked it, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to understand - or begin to, at any rate - mental health and the hard choice of suicide.

It was not light-hearted stuff, to say the least, and that is a departure for this show. I look forward to watching the next episode of The Orville S3.

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler