Andor E1 E2 Star Wars Review | Axat

Darth Vader, BB8, C3PO, R2D2, some red Sith Lord [Darth Maul was awesomax], a Rebel Alliance pilot, a flattish, narrow Dark character, a Mando lookalike, and some new robot complete the silhouette sequence.

The newest title sequence for this new Star Wars series begins with a planet, daylight looking like it is just about to break on it, but the planet transforms into the three-pronged [Shivji's trishul] Rebel Alliance logo.

Morlana One is the planet, and the Preox-Morlana corporate zone is the setting for the opening shot, with our hero, Cassian Andor [Diego Luna].

BBY 5 means 5 years Before the Battle of Yavin - I wonder how they count years in the Star Wars Extended Universe like we do on Earth!

Actually, I count us lucky that we are around to count our years, Read more about what I think the future of humankind will be like in 420 ACE:

The glass bubbles [Zorbs] from which aliens hiss and squeal remind one of Amsterdam's red light district. Our shady hero is a first-time visitor.

Oooh! Shots fired! Rather, one shot to kill the second person who dies in this series' first episode itself. Two murders at the price of one! Blimey!

Ferrix...reminds me of iron ores and takes me back to school days. Look:

I studied at the Lawrence School, Sanawar, Kasauli Hills, Himachal Pradesh, India. I love my alma mater. :)

Now we are one last letter away, in the Morlani system, which is an FTZ.

A passing hound takes a piss on the hero droid of Andor, and it shocks it.

B2EMO is a loaded name, don;t you think? Anyway, it is apparent that it and Cassian have a good thing going, in terms of friends covering for each other, even if it takes up a lot of a droid's power reserves. Neat.

A wall of pairs of gloves, with one missing in the middle. Intriguing. Also, if there's one thing I know to expect from a Star Wars franchise, it is their splurging on hiring cosplayers to really, REALLY fill the scenes.

The gloves are for the miners of ferrous ores on Ferrix [I presume]. I mention the sometimes-lazy nomenclatures of Star Wars earlier, too.

For example, a minor character is named Pegla [Hindi for pagla - mad].

It's a babble of accents: Irish, African, Hispanic, English [British]...India?

Episode 2 begins behind for whom the bell tolls - JK, who tolls the bell.

Cassian is approaching his rendezvous, presumably with the buyer of the Starpath navigational unit he's been saving for a tight spot like this.

I quote: "Kenari Male ; Without Delay." The uptight security guy got what he wanted - a Ferrix-wide alert asking for information on Cassian Andor.

Fiona Shaw, the dearly beloved yet also widely abhorred Aunt Petunia from Harry Potter plays mother figure to our un-swashbuckling hero.

I don't know about you; I feel that the emblem of Andor [Shiv's trishul] is a LOT like a symbol atop the Public Call Office where Things Fall Apart.

"Half measures." That's a great Breaking Bad episode if ever there was 1.

Corporate Tactical Forces - WTF? How are they the Empire's first line of defence? Isn't that the always expendable yet stoic Storm Troopers? Hm.

Perhaps this harkens back to simpler times in the galaxy far, far away...

WAIT A MINUTE. When did Episode 3 drop and go? Episode 4 is on TV!

Well, to make things simpler [for me], I will review Andor 2 eps at a time.

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler