Invasion on Apple TV Plus

This present-time real-world alien invasion show is worldwide in the completely literal sense. Let me tell you about the five completely spaced apart storylines.

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We are 8 episodes into the series and 2 more episodes remain for the season finale.

The first one is that a Muslim family is driving northwards towards Canada from the united states. Alright they are torn apart by family friction and the husband is cheating and the kids are not really taking it well , so its a very complicated emotional storyline that they’ve got going on over there.

The second one is that a Japanese space agency techie is personally invested in the aliens because her girlfriend was one of the astronauts who get killed when their space station explodes when the aliens are getting close to earth. So she is trying to get to the bottom of the alien invasion . they have just realized that it’s something alien. And let’s see how the next 2 episodes unravel that mystery. 

The third storyline is that a bus of about a dozen school kids falls into an abandoned quarry (and this is in Britain) and their teacher is killed, but they manage to get out and right now they are walking towards civilization. So they are not aware of the danger that they are approaching. But let’s see how these storylines intersect and overlap.

The fourth storyline is that a US soldier survives a fight with a huge alien in the African desert, then he gets helped by a goat herder, and finds an empty army camp. He manages to get in touch with his estranged wife back in the US and he says that “I'm coming home” so I guess that's how they are going to bring some of these storylines together.

{Plead the Fifth :D } As a small-town sheriff that Sam Neill plays , he sees the aliens , or rather proof of their presence, in the corn fields, but he is knocked unconscious, and let's see if the episode that dropped today and the upcoming episodes play around with his story. 

OK. Verdict time.

My verdict about alien invasion TV series in general is that they have to be very well-made and very fast-paced for me to enjoy them. 

So, about Invasion, I think you should wait for all the episodes to drop, which will happen by 10 December, and then scene hop through the first 5-6 episodes just to get to know the characters and the storylines - the broad strokes, if we may say so. There is too much character development, which I frankly find unnecessary for this genre. Anyway, like I said, the season finale will drop on 10th December, so if alien invasion series that are not set in the future or not set in outer space or just set in one small little corner of the world , if you like these kind of series , then go ahead and speed watch invasion on apple tv plus. Otherwise I would say don't let this slow paced excessively convoluted and ultimately unrewarding series invade your screen. I shall hold off final judgment until the season finale that drops on 10 December, Ciao until next time, thanks so much for listening , and make sure you press subscribe !

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