Chapter 17 - The Apostate

First of all, if you're short on time, you can just get the gist of this review by watching this video on my YouTube channel - just smash sub as well!

The Mandalorian is full of rewatch value. Mainly because of the very wide variety of settings that it sends Mando off to, but also due to its relevance in inspiring the next generation of dreamers, like myself.

Here, as promised in the blurb to this series, are a few previous reviews:

Here's Star Wars spinoff series starring Diego Luna as the titular Andor:

And finally, an animated action series that hits home harder for me ever since I became a dad to my li'l Princess Adwitya Axat: The Bad Batch lol

If I can be bothered to like Douglas Adams, I will link the second episode of the third season of The Mandalorian here, but I wouldn't count on it! :)

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler