Image rights are with Disney Plus/Marvel; thoughts rightfully belong to the Mind of Axat - I just type them ;P
As usual, we begin with a "Previously On," as the series comes to a head.
There's just 1 more episode to go, so let me know what you think below.
Recap is rapid-firing quick, focusing on Gravik's [and G'iah's] Super Skrulling and culminating in the POTUS cavalcade blow-up shooting.
Check out Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy [2008] by Seth MacFarlane:
Fury has got POTUS to a hospital, and sits down gun in hand, as a guard.
The rebel Skrulls drive into their nuclear-irradiated base like Chernobyl.
Gravik is facing a rebellion via Pagon but he puts a Groot hand thru him.
He orders a hit on Fury's now-ex-wife, Varra/Priscilla, a 'traitor' Skrull.
Then, he changes his plan to trigger WWIII by killing POTUS via Russia.
He calls Rhodey the War Machine Skrull, who is incredulous to sacrifice.
Still, she turns Fury into Public Enemy Number 1 'coz he killed Mariaaa!
Harry Potter, Johnny Depp, Ricky Martin - 3 shoutouts in one shout! LOL
JK Seriously though, Sonya is on a Skrull hunt, and shoots her boss, too.
Gravik's soldiers respond with a grab & kill attempt, which he beats off.
In the process of executing the rebel-within-the-rebel Skrull, he reveals his true face - both literally & metaphorically - to the rest of the Skrulls.
Fury, meanwhile, retreats to the place he started off this whole Skrull amnesty program, where he finds G'iah the Extremist-powered waiting.
"The path of struggle is steep." Brace yourselves, here comes my Jules!
I purposely did not copy-paste the monologue here to avoid temptation.
Sonya funnily digs out info about Gravik's Super-Skrulling apparatus. It reminds me about The Prestige, and The Illusionist, and World War Two.
Amazing how, in hindsight, causal triggers become so readily apparent.
Captain Hindsight from South Park was voiced by Trey Parker, of course.
Okay, after that long, long spiral that took off from the word 'apparatus,' let me Get Back - the Beatles, take a bow - if I can stop digressing, to SI.
They don't show how G'iah gets Talos' body, but get it she does, to Scilla.
Fury, meanwhile is leaving on a jet plane to Finland, and then to Gravik.
G'iah and Scilla give Talos a proper funeral, and she spills the beans about What Fury Wants - see What Women Want starring Mel Gibson.
The 2-woman team-tag takes out the entire home invading hit squad.
Meanwhile in Hell-sinkhole/Hail-stinky Fury pulls a Mission Impossible.
And guess who his rap music-blasting desig driver is: Super-spy Sonya!
They drive to a Finnish Fury cemetery, and he gears up for the finale.
Last of all, here are my reviews of the previous Secret Invasion episodes:
Firstly, thanks for reading/watching/listening! Where've you been all my life? :)
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