It is 6:42 AM IST as I embark on yet another journey through a galaxy far, far away, waiting to watch how the everlating fight between the light and dark side of the Force unfolds in this latest addition to Star Wars.
The first two episodes are named Lost slash Found and Revenge slash Justice. I like the slashes because they inescapably remind me of the light sabers used by the Jedi, and the long lore associated with them.
Before we jump into hyperspace, let me tell you that like The Mandalorian, you do not need much familiarity with the earlier part of Star Wars to watch this show. Ahsoka, on the other hand, built upon a character with a long history in the franchise. Watch or read my reviews for more about these shows as well as spin-off, The Book of Boba Fett.
Smash sub button awesomax fun and like Rick and Morty, away we go!
Now, right at the start, I love Carrie Anne-Moss relive some Matrix moves, even though - SPOILER ALERT - she is killed by the sort of cheating use of Force Fu by an impostor or lookalike or doppelganger of the heroine of this series - Osha, which is also a character name in the Game of Thrones. Which brings up one of my pet peeves with Star Wars.
They name characters and places with such obvious twists of Indian and other mythologies, like Carrie Anne-Moss's character, Indara, an utter rip-off of the god of thunder and lightning in India, Lord Indra.
Ahsoka was just two letters flipped in the name of a great emperor, who, by the way, was born in my birthplace, the ancient Pataliputra, in Bihar.
I have been to one of the Ashokan pillars in Vaishali and believe you me, if there was anything like mystical antenna to channel the Force, these pillars are it. I'm just kidding, but I will create something from this idea.
The first advice from the Jedi master in the Jedi temple of Coruscant is "Your eyes can deceive you," which is kind of true in real life too, isn't it?
Especially as so much information flows to us digitally, our eyes are overwhelmed. How do we know what to trust among all that we see?
The next Jedi quote I like is, "If we don't meditate on our past, we are doomed to repeat it." I agree. We must learn from our history, both to improve our prospects for the future, and take action in our present.
So the impostor doppelganger returns to her Dark master, while the Light side reunites a Master with his disillusioned Padawan. That's it for episode one of the Acolyte, and I must say I enjoyed the setup, because it had a bit of action and the story and settings changed at a quick pace.
Watch my spoiler review of the second episode of the Acolyte, and may the Force be with you. If you like, smash subscribe, thanks for watching!
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