Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 2 - A Roulette Wheel and A Piano Playing Dog
1 Mar, 2024
Rights lie with CBS, I guess.
Bazinga! Hello and welcome to the second episode review of young sheldon season 7. Let’s get right to it - but only after you smash that sub button for awesomax fun! Sheldon is aghast that he is not the smartest in germany. Back deep in the heart of texas, meemaw expands her gambling room offerings - hence the name of the episode, which is A Roulette Wheel and A Piano Playing Dog. Cooper senior has a bromance with little sweet baby CeeCee’s grandfather, and Missy steps up to become the new Mary of the Cooper household, supported by one and all.
George Junior gets some business advice from CeeCee’s grandpa, and foreshadowing is the TV trope they got going here, because in The Big Bang Theory, Georgie owns a chain of tire stores. George senior has no advice for his son, which leads to a shoutout to an old TV show, Saved by the Bell. This is the kind of throwbacks and memory triggers, like Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time. That is one book which I must admit I was influenced by while writing my travel book of memories gathered throughout life, which I named A Life Afloat. Also, Marcel DuChamp is a guy whose outlook on art should be explored more. I mean, what about the Five-Way Portrait? LOOHQ as well as Fountain show how a different perspective can make you think deeper and better. I must give a posthumous shoutout to VG for giving me two extremely influential books, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Peace be upon your soul, bhai, wherever you may roam. You live on in memory.
Ok, back to Young Sheldon. Mandy has a Dark Side of the Moon t shirt, and you know that Pink Floyd is the greatest of all time music magic. Music has the power to transport you through time, too, just like any of our senses. We might look at something and be reminded of another blast from the past, which was also a nice movie starring brandon fraser way before his whale days, and christopher walken, with his trademark halting delivery and absolutely charming persona.
I have a couple of videos i want to record about robin williams, jim carrey, and irrfan khan, but for now, let’s stick to young sheldon. Running a household is getting to both Missy and Georgie. MIssy makes a chore chart and Sheldon learns to eat humble pie. NOT. That's the NOT joke made even more famous by Borat, and a huge shoutout to my colleague at Instahyre, JC, because i sent him a GIF about that just a few days ago and also for sharing Jim Carrey’s initials. Thank you so much for watching, live long and prosper, and smash that sub button for awesomax fun. Also, do watch my review of the first episode of Young Sheldon season 7! Ciao!
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