Monsters At Work

Full disclosure: I write this after seeing the first two episodes of Disney's (or Pixar's, same difference ever since the buyout) Monsters At Work.

Okay, fine, that didn't warrant a disclosure. It is more of a requirement to write a review of a TV (or OTT or streaming or screening) show, innit?

Jokes aside, there are very few jokes up till now in this series. The first episode is a pilot-cum-sequel to the vastly popular and inarguably imaginative Monsters, Inc. Billy Crystal and John Goodman reprise their beloved characters as one-eyed jokester Mike and scary softie Sullivan.

It's set up for a dysfunctional The Office (US)-meets-The-IT-Crowd (an excellent British series chock full of sarcasm & deadpan humor) show.

There is a benevolent father-figure, a clingy college classmate trope, a sort-of rival with his eyes - four of them - on the senior position, a pyromaniac, a growling hamster-monster, and a banana bread baker voiced by Dee Bradley Baker of The Bad Batch fame: Episode 10 is here.

So you have a Michael (not Steve Carrell but better: Fonzie himself, Henry Winkler), a Kelly (voiced by Mindy Kaling herself, so there's a nice spiral), a Dwight and a menagerie of monsters (not counting the ones who attend Billy Crystal's comedy class to try and become jokesters).

The protagonist is voiced by Ben Feldman, and is quite downplayed. His unenthusiastic participation is overcompensated by his fellow MIFTsits.

It might work for kids, but I am confused about kids "getting" the humor.

Let's see how kids like this expansion of a quite popular franchise, yeah?

PS: By the end of the second episode, Banana Bread Baker is outta MIFT!

So long, and thanks for all the fish - sorry, laughs. - Aradhye Ackshatt.

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler